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Economic Scenarios

The “Seven Dead” by Giuseppi Conte threaten the government

The "Movement without mediation", that of "Direct Democracy", has found the solution to the Grillo – Conte conflict that is more Christian Democrat, mediated and detached from direct democracy than is possible: a nice seven-party directive. There are three pentastellati close to BeppeMao (Di Maio, Crippa and the MEP Tiziana Beghin), three “contiani” (Patuanelli, Crimi and Licheri); in the middle is Roberto Fico, as the institutional president of the Chamber, provided that Grillo accepts him, who recently called him “The greatest disappointment”.

The solution is a resounding, colossal, yet another defeat for Conte who, in the end, is caged within a board on which, in the end, the influence of cricket will be felt. Conte thought that, after the Ciro scandal, Grillo would have slipped into the background, but he was wrong. Indeed, the media and judicial attacks have made the Ligurian comedian even more decisive, intrusive and devoid of any shyness in wanting to impose his will on the Movement.

What is Grillo aiming for? To be the "Kingmaker" of the next President of the Republic. His goal would be either to convince Mattarella to stay another three years, continuing in the stalemate, or, in any case, to remove the possibility of the Contian wing of the party, the various Fico and Patuanelli, to choose the president of the republic with the PD. The clash exists, very hard, between the two leaders and can lead to the split, the real one, of the Party. If this happened we would have that the PD and the slice of submissive grillini could not put a word in the election of the President of the Republic, while the games would remain open on the other side. At the same time, the Draghi government would have a harder life without a substantial slice of grillini. The white semester begins in August and the result of the split of the M5s could be a government crisis with the need for its rebalancing because, in any case, there would be no vote at least until May 2022, at best. From 15 July we will see how the yellow mess will evolve.

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The article The Seven Dead by Giuseppi Conte threaten the government comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/le-sette-morti-di-giuseppi-conte-minacciano-il-governo/ on Sun, 04 Jul 2021 08:31:18 +0000.