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The Supreme Court reverses Roe Vs Wade. Now the states, or the Federation, will have to decide on abortion

The reversal of the 1973 "Roe Vs Wade" decision sparked a huge controversy against the Supreme Court, but, in reality, it is a victory for democracy, and here we will explain why.

Roe Vs Wade was a 1973 ruling, 410 US 113, in which, on the basis of the Fourteenth Amendment, the US Supreme Court ruled that no state law, that is, of individual states, given the federal nature of the US, could prohibit abortion. Now the Supreme Court has defined this right as adjustable by individual states and no longer part of the Fourteenth Amendment protection.

So the ball simply goes back to the parliaments of the individual states who will be able to regulate it as they see fit. Not only that, this in no way prohibits the matter from being regulated centrally, by the House of Representatives and the federal Senate. It is no coincidence that three of the angriest Democratic leaders have already made a stand to "Defeat the Supreme Court" with a legislative initiative defining abortion as a right.

The decision calls everyone to their political responsibilities: it was a bit too simple to define the right to abortion not on the basis of a democratic discussion in parliament, but on a decision taken behind closed doors by a Court of Justice. A Pilates method, based more on fashion than on a discussion on the rights to life, reproductive and demographic relapses. Now every politician will have to take his own responsibility in front of the voters and in front of his own conscience, if he ever had one.

Obviously the issue was immediately politicized by Biden, and we are sure that he will give the only political weapon to the Dems for the next elections to be used to counter a Republican election campaign based instead on the economic disasters of the Biden administration.

The conduct of the discussion will also be very interesting and will give further weight to the next electoral round, which could, however, go in the opposite direction to what the demonstrators against the Supreme Court are expecting.

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The article The Supreme Court reverses the Roe Vs Wade. Now the States, or the Federation, will have to decide on abortion comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-corte-suprema-inverte-la-roe-vs-wade-ora-gli-stati-o-la-federazione-dovranno-decidere-sullaborto/ on Sat, 25 Jun 2022 08:00:03 +0000.