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The Taliban “inclusive” cancel the mural dedicated to George Floyd

After successfully completing the conquest of Afghanistan, the Taliban painted murals in Kabul and replaced them with proclamations of victory, including one featuring Black Lives Matter icon George Floyd. "The Taliban have started painting on the murals left by the American occupation," a Twitter user pointed out. “Here they paint on a mural depicting Saint George Floyd and replace it with proclamations of victory”.

" The guardian " also talked about this talking about readers shocked by this fact, as if it were the most important thing in the world, as if the women beaten in the street were less important than the face of the BLM Neor Santo

"The murals addressed everything from the killing of George Floyd in the United States and the drowning of Afghan refugees in Iran, to the signing of the US-Taliban peace agreement and the murder of a Japanese aid worker," says the 'item.

The murals were created by a group called Artlords, whose members covered Kabul with images, some of which carried messages of social justice and amplified women's rights issues, in the eight years before the Taliban took control. The group's original goal, according to its website, was to "pave the way for social transformation and behavioral change." Although the group claims to be independent, Artlords has an American outpost based in Virginia, United States, and I have it provided a good basis for lending a coat of white and writing the Taliban's proclamations of victory

"George Floyd's face and the LGBT flag are symbols of American imperialism in the 21st century," Keith Woods pointed out.

In this too, the new Taliban are confirmed to be inclusive exactly as they are portrayed by the US mass media. So inclusive that there is no woman in the new government, not even by mistake. Who knows what Cirinnà and the # Metoo activists will say….

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The article The Taliban “Inclusives” delete the mural dedicated to George Floyd comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gli-inclusivi-talebani-cancellano-il-murales-dedicato-a-george-floyd/ on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 17:44:04 +0000.