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Economic Scenarios

The truth about remuneration: every Italian received less than 2000 euros, below the European average! CGIA Mestre data

The Mestre CGIA has made a careful analysis of what the government has really allocated to every Italian in the form of economic aid to overcome the covid crisis. He did so in a technically almost flawless way (we will make a note at the end): he added up the budget differences of the Conte and Draghi governments and divided them by the Italian population. Then it carried out the same operation for the other European countries, obtaining a ranking of those who spent the most and those who spent the least for the economic-epidemic emergency. The results can be seen in the following graph:

For each Italian our government has allocated 1979 euros, against 2938 for Germany, 3688 for Belgium, 4529 for Ireland and 6842 for Luxembourg. We are below France, with € 2455, and below the European average of € 2518 .

The calculation includes all aid: layoffs, refreshments, reimbursements and various compensation paid in this period. Here are the precise calculation methods:

By calculating the extra deficit compared to the 2020 average, no mistakes are made, because exactly what has been allocated in total is quantified. We have made much less effort than European countries which have had far fewer deaths than us, such as Germany, and which have generally been much less hard hit, such as Ireland. This means that, to bring us at least on the European average, there would still be room for a further budgetary effort.

Finally, we consider that the assessment made by the CGIA of Mestre is still very optimistic with respect to the real figures destined for economic growth: in fact, a substantial part of the figures committed to budget variances has not yet been spent, and probably will not be for several months, due to the lack of implementing decrees. In short, a reminder to do too little, and too late.

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The article The truth about remuneration: every Italian received less than 2000 euros, below the European average! CGIA Mestre data comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-verita-sui-compensi-ogni-italiano-ha-ricevuto-meno-di-2000-euro-e-della-media-europea-dati-cgia-mestre/ on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 10:30:28 +0000.