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Economic Scenarios

The University dies in silence (Speech by Paolo Becchi)

The Italian university is moving towards its closure, and all this in silence. Most universities, in total disinterest, have decided not to start the lessons live, but to continue with the remote mode, leaving only a few hours of direct contact between the teacher and the students.

The whole concept of live teaching is canceled and it is no longer an emergency situation as it was last spring, in this case we will have freshmen entering the university and, practically, they will never see their teacher. A real scam, also because students pay for real teaching, in person, in classrooms, and surreptitiously find an online university: nothing bad, but we must say it first, you cannot play on the misunderstanding.

Instead, all this took place in a hidden and surreptitious way, without anyone saying anything. Centuries of teaching traditions are set aside overnight, even for faculty, such as medicine, one for which teaching in person is necessary.

Are we sure this is the real solution? It is not that we want to destroy yet another moment of aggregation and socialization, Each sadly isolated at home, in the solitude of their own bedroom, and all this without considering the difficulty of holding serious and significant exam sections, also taking into account any technical problems

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The article The University dies in silence (Intervention by Paolo Becchi) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/luniversita-muore-nel-silenzio-intervento-di-paolo-becchi/ on Sun, 23 Aug 2020 08:40:45 +0000.