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Now the vaccines will arrive, indeed they are already there. Giuseppina Perlasca talked about the Chinese vaccines Sinopharme and SinoVac, but, as we know, Russian Sputnik 5 is already in distribution, soon there will be another Russian one. then there are westerners: Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Jonhson & Johnson, CureVac (German). A flood of vaccines, after all Business is Business and this is the business of the new millennium, perhaps in the next hundred years. Even if "Every minute a chicken is born", the current concentration will hardly repeat itself in the future.

But now the heralds of science, especially medicine, must step forward and be the first to inject the vaccine. Now he is not asked to be injected with good Putin's Sputnik, but the vaunted and coldly sure Pfizer or AstraZeneca does. Instead, they start their backsides with Chrysanthus sowing enormous amounts of skepticism about the Pfizer vaccine.

But how is Chrysanti? The vaccine is not good, does it not cover the elderly? To tell the truth, Pfizer says the exact opposite, according to an article published by none other than the BBC

But how, must the science explained by the big mainstream media, like the BBC, apply to everyone, and not to Crisanti? So science doesn't apply to scientists? Why should there be a vaccination requirement when virologists, scientists and doctors sow skepticism? Let them lead by example, first of all !!

Only 46% of Italians would like to vaccinate. 54 no, or at least not immediately. something does not work, but it is the fault of the Italians or science and the bad performance of Big Pharma and the Government so far. I say that I am confident in vaccines, and I have used them several times, but now there is almost a struggle against logic to convince oneself to get them. Let's face it, what did Big Pharma sinoa do?

  • Pfizer CEO Sold Shares Day After Vaccine Announcement;
  • those from Moderna did the same thing in the spring;
  • Moderna trusts the European Union so much that it has set up its own plant in Switzerland;
  • we remember the war against serotherapy in favor of effective, but expensive, monoclonal antigens;
  • we remember the war against hydroxychloroquine,
  • the Western war against the other vaccines, Chinese and Russian, which are already used and sold in several states, but are not well in the EU and have not even been tested.

The vaccine problem is called trust. It must be earned. Do you trust Arcuri, who has to get you the vaccines? Do you trust Conte, who put him in that place? Now you understand why Paragone says "Tiè" !!

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The article THE VACCINAL OBLIGATION? FIRST FOR VIROLOGISTS AND SCIENTISTS. The Crisanti mess and the others… comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lobbligo-vaccinale-prima-per-virologhi-e-scienziati-il-pasticcio-crisanti-e-gli-altri/ on Fri, 20 Nov 2020 21:15:04 +0000.