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The veterans of Ukraine will be devastated, all of them, regardless of their side. The example of Afghanistan

The destruction of war will not end with peace, but will continue afterwards. What will remain of the psyche of so many soldiers, on both sides, who have seen, and taken part in, the atrocities of this war? Those young big boys who went to export peace….

To make you understand the psychological weight of the experience of modern war on men, I am providing you with some data on what happened to American veterans after the experience of Afghanistan. Let's consider that we are talking about volunteer soldiers and often with years of training, not soldiers of Naja.

As reported by Pacelink , the American soldiers who committed suicide were 30,177, those who died in combat 2,312. We are talking about 13 times the number of deaths in combat. PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is more deadly than bullets. The figure concerns the dead, but about 40,000 veterans live on the streets not so much because of poverty, but because of the difficulties of reintegration. Then there are those who died comfortably months and years later due to the lethal effects of bomb experiments based on depleted uranium, phosphorus or other substances not properly tested in advance. Then there are the handicapped ones.

A drama that few know. Let's imagine what will happen to many veterans, often simple conscripts, when they return home after the war in Ukraine, after having seen things that we do not even imagine in the worst nightmares.

If you want some extra data on what happens to US veterans, check out this music video, which features a lot of verifiable data on veterans' dramas.

War is disgusting, an incurable tragedy always and in any case and no one is ever right in making one. On the wrong side of Heaven, or on the right side of Hell.

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The article The veterans of Ukraine will be devastated, all of them, regardless of their side. The example of Afghanistan comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-reduci-dellucraina-saranno-devastati-lesempio-dellafganistan/ on Thu, 14 Apr 2022 20:34:59 +0000.