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The Wrong Vaccine Problem: Why Does the State Not Take Responsibility?

When the vaccine ceases to be a free choice, but becomes an obligatory choice, the obligation arises to provide not a random vaccine, but the best of the vaccines possible for efficacy / lack of adverse reactions, compatibly with the availability of the market. Is this happening in Italy? I give you two pieces of news to be judged.

A report released Friday by the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that the injection of the American vaccine workhorse is significantly less effective in preventing severe cases of the disease in the long term than what many experts believe.

Data collected from 18 states between March and August suggests that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reduces the risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19 by 91% in the first four months after receiving the second dose. However, after 120 days the effectiveness of the vaccine drops to 77%.

Meanwhile, Moderna's vaccine was 93% effective in reducing the short-term risk of hospitalization for COVID-19 and remained 92% effective after 120 days.

Here is the second piece of news: a recent scientific research conducted in Argentina on vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine certifies that the effectiveness of the vaccine against Covid-19 and its variants, including lambda, increases six months after vaccination for the effect of the "Maturation" of antibodies.

We stop here, but we could continue with, for example, the case of IPV vaccines under study or already implemented, IPV vaccines (virus inactivated, such as the one currently used for Polio) are those with the most experience of application and with the best coverage. potential, yet they have not been considered either for those under study, such as Valneva, or for existing ones such as the CoviVac of the Chumakov institute, authorized emergency, but which will end the third official trial phase in December.

If a vaccine is, legally or surreptitiously, mandatory, then it must be the best for efficacy / benefits. Instead, paradoxically, we know that this is not the case, not even among the vaccine mix currently offered, among other things without the possibility of choice. If a person has to undergo the famous "Booster" or "Booster", because vaccinated with Pfizer, and there should be an adverse reaction to the third injection, who will pay for giving him such a short effective vaccine, instead of one already present, with better efficacy, like the Moderna, equally authorized EMA. who will pay for the delayed authorization of the Sputnik V vaccine, blocked essentially for political and not medical reasons. We are at the paradox that the citizens of San Marino, vaccinated with Spunik V, are required "Voluntarily" to receive an extra vaccination approved by the EMA. If one of them has adverse reactions, who will respond? Di Maio?

In the vaccination of the government nobody talks about it, but this is a considerable problem that should be posed by all citizens who are suffering certain damage due to the inability of the government and its emanations. Is it possible that no consumer association comes forward?

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The article The Wrong Vaccine Problem: Why Does the State Not Take Responsibility? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-problema-del-vaccino-sbagliato-perche-lo-stato-non-se-ne-prende-la-responsabilita/ on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 08:00:52 +0000.