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Economic Scenarios

There are contracts signed by CGIL with wages of less than 4 euros per hour. But they are anti-fascists

Curious that the news is not filtered on the big media, but has remained limited to the limits of information. As Radio Popolare reports , there is a national multi-service contract, signed by CGIL and CISL, which provides for an hourly wage of less than 4 euros an hour, 3.96 to be precise . The news hit the headlines because a judge accepted the appeal of a woman, guardian in a warehouse, who took the pay in question for a total of 640 euros net per month, resulting well below the poverty line. The labor judge established that it is not possible to work full-time and earn wages below the poverty line, providing compensation equal to 840 euros per month, i.e. the amount necessary to exceed the poverty line defined by ISTAT.

We don't want to go into the subject of the sentence, whose criticism we leave to the legal experts, but the news highlights how the CGIL has signed a contract with an hourly wage that seems more like a handful. Living in Milan with 640 euros is not poverty, but it is starving when a decent beggar is able to bring home one hundred euros a day. Whoever signed this contract, both union and employers' side, has humiliated work, however light it may be, but it remains astonishing that a union side like the CGIL, once so rigorous in defending workers, is reduced to accepting this type of agreements. Above all, instead of focusing on anti-fascism, on the fight against self-employed workers, wouldn't it be better if he concentrated on protecting workers and their well-being, even material ones? Or is it better to be penniless and anti-fascist than democrats and wealthy?

Who knows knows…

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The article There are contracts signed by CGIL with wages of less than 4 euros an hour. But they are anti-fascists comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/esistono-contratti-firmati-da-cgil-con-paghe-di-meno-di-4-euro-lora-pero-sono-antifascisti/ on Wed, 26 Apr 2023 16:06:18 +0000.