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Economic Scenarios

They hope they get away with it

In the AV era, ante virus, the typical phrase to introduce a conversation was: how are you? Quite a hypocritical question, both because those who ask it almost never have an interest in the answer, and because those who answer almost never tell the truth. And yet it was used to lubricate the opening words of a dialogue. Today, the first question has been joined by a second: did you get vaccinated? The two formulas coexist, but soon only one will remain, as in western movies. We will see each other, we will get to know each other, we will call each other and – zacchete – the macumba will start: did you get vaccinated? So, nonchalantly, in the same way we asked ourselves: how are you?

But the new entry of the new epidemic etiquette never comes alone, a bit like trouble. In fact, if the unwary answers no, the second fateful request falls to him: why? Same fate as the tapino who answers "I'm sick" to the other ritual expression. In this case, follow the inevitable three-words-three with a question mark included: what happened? And this implies – in both hypotheses – a single solution to get out of trouble. And that is to say "I'm fine" to the first question (even if, in fact, you look like shit) and "yes" to the second (even if you wouldn't even get the vaccine under torture).

After all, the little lies have always been an excellent petroleum jelly for the good progress of social relations. And yet, we would like to point out that the hugely popular mantra of the Vaccine Civilization, in the DV era, after virus, is not only suitably hypocritical, like its predecessor, but also subtly insidious. Indeed, it involves an undue reversal of the burden of proof. That is, it starts from the assumption that those who do not vaccinate should justify their choice by definition "wrong", while those who vaccinate would be exempted from accountability for a "right" decision regardless.

Instead, the exact opposite should happen. It is those who get vaccinated who have to explain their reasons, not the other way around. And there can be, of course. For example, one may have been vaccinated because required by law. Many health professionals do it for this; or because of advanced age and multiple pathologies. Faced with the risk of a sanction or the high probability of dying from a virus that has pluri-pathological over 80s as its preferred target, the pro vaccine option makes sense. But in many other cases, no. If only for a rational reason, even more than a scientific one: the vaccine does not protect against contagion and the plate of potential costs exceeds that of the expected benefits. An emblematic case is that of the students.

Yet, the media hype has instilled in us the unhealthy, and unfounded, idea of ​​having to "justify" ourselves if we do not get vaccinated. It is the fruit of an information system that has been corrupted from the ground up and of a machine of the self-styled "science" that is even more corrupt than that system. Corrupted, both, not only by the money of those who finance them (often provided by the same scholarship as those who produce them), but also by the greasy, fearful and clumsy servility typical of the subjects of all kinds of fascism. Ergo, if you fall into the category of "missing", remember to instantly rephrase the answer to the big question next time it happens. "Are you vaccinated?". "No and you?". "Yup". "Why?". Then write down the answers that we will make a book with an ancient title: they hope they will get along.

Francesco Carraro


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The article They hope they get along comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/loro-sperano-che-se-la-cavano/ on Sat, 17 Jul 2021 08:08:55 +0000.