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Economic Scenarios

This time Burioni has made it big: he attacks a disabled girl for her appearance, Borghi threatens lawsuits

This time the virostar Roberto Burioni made it big, let's say a little bigger than usual. Not content with having offended the no vax, he made fun of a disabled girl, Alessia , follower and supporter of Claudio Borghi and other leaguers, all on Twitter.

Here are the steps… Alessia supports Bazzaro and for this reason he comes to suffer the attack of Burioni, immediately caught by Borghi, who briefly advises him to retract and apologize. Those who read the thread will notice that Alessia did not say anything bad, and Bazzaro himself

The fact is serious on social media. The attack on the disabled is rightly one of the most reprehensible and condemned forms of bullying even if, as always, Twitter applies “Two weights and two measures”, for which, despite the reports, it does not intervene. We know that Facebook and Twitter, if you are on the left, approve of everything.

Burioni is too full of himself to apologize and cancel, so the threats of a lawsuit start rightly.

After too many hours Burioni has canceled. then we put the picture

The thing explodes, sends Alessia in trend, and many express their solidarity to her

Meloni also enters the dispute, supporting Alessia

It seems incredible that a doctor, registered with the Order, allows himself this type of attitude, just as the lack of Twitter intervention appears incredible, which allows the bullying of a young girl just because she has different ideas from those who, evidently, manage the social media. Twitter, however, has accustomed us to being an incredibly biased social network.

Burioni confirmed his human qualities, which are accompanied by equal scientific qualities

Now, if Borghi keeps his word, and nothing makes us doubt it, we will finally have a judge decide on the matter, and maybe he could even intervene on Twitter, which should protect everyone, regardless of color.

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The article This time Burioni has made it big: he attacks a disabled girl for her appearance, Borghi threatens lawsuits comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/questa-volta-burioni-lha-fatta-grossa-attacca-una-ragazza-disabile-per-il-suo-aspetto-borghi-minaccia-cause-legali/ on Sun, 10 Jul 2022 13:02:32 +0000.