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Today the TIM Network is grounded. Hacker attack just after the KKR offer

Thousands of Telecom Italia customers across Italy complained of internet outages and malfunctions on Sunday, which the company blamed on problems with an international connection. Many cities have seen their networks down.

The problems have been reported by users from the northern city of Milan to the Sicilian capital Palermo, and the problem mainly affected landline internet services. Some football fans have complained about interruptions in the streaming of the Serie A match between Spezia and league leaders Napoli. Netblocks has also reported this steep drop in service delivery.

“An international interconnection issue has been detected impacting service nationwide. Analyzes are underway to resolve the issue,” a TIM spokesperson said. Italian news agency ANSA said there were no indications that the problems were caused by hackers.

TIM, the former national telecommunications monopoly, is at the center of a takeover fight, with private equity group KKR (KKR.N) making a non-binding offer to buy its network. It seems strange that there is this important, and heavy, hacker attack just as this offer from a private buyer has arrived. However, this event further demonstrates how safer it would be for such an infrastructure to be controlled by the state.

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The article Today the TIM Network is grounded. Hacker attack right after the KKR offer comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/oggi-la-rete-tim-e-a-terra-attacco-hacker-proprio-dopo-lofferta-kkr/ on Sun, 05 Feb 2023 18:17:09 +0000.