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Tragedy at sea: 55 sailors reportedly died in a Chinese nuclear submarine following an accident

Tragedy at sea kept secret: 55 Chinese sailors would have died in a submarine trapped in traps built by the Chinese defense itself in the East China Sea.

The submerged vessel would have remained stuck in one of the hidden underwater chains laid out by Beijing to prevent British or American submarines from approaching its coasts. This would have led to the failure of the engine and many of the ship's systems.

Citing a "secret British report", the Daily Mail said the sailors died after the submarine's oxygen system failed, poisoning the crew.

According to the report, based on defense intelligence, the victims include the captain of the Chinese People's Armed Forces Navy submarine " 093-417 ", along with other cadets and officers.

British intelligence “reports that on August 21 an accident occurred on board during a mission in the Yellow Sea.”

It also states that “the accident occurred at 08:12 local time” and resulted in the death of “55 crew members: 22 officers, 7 cadet officers, 9 non-commissioned officers, 17 sailors. Among the dead is the captain, Colonel Xue Yong-Peng. ”

“Our understanding is that the death was caused by hypoxia due to a failure of the submarine's system. The submarine struck a chain and anchor obstacle used by the Chinese Navy to trap US and allied submarines.”

“This resulted in systems failures that took six hours to repair and surface the vessel. The onboard oxygen system poisoned the crew after a catastrophic failure.” Probably the emergency systems for these cases, which include chlorine candles, were not sufficient.

The “Type 93” is a class of modern Chinese nuclear attack submarines, also with stealth capabilities, under development and of which only six have been launched. Their aim is to hunt down enemy submarines, especially American, British and Japanese.

China denies the incident

Beijing, according to the Daily Mail, denied that such an incident occurred. The nation has dismissed the speculation as “completely false”. Taiwan has also denied the reports reported on the Internet, but British sources insist they are correct.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, a British submarine force officer speculated: “It is plausible that this happened and I doubt the Chinese would have asked for international support for obvious reasons.”

“If they had become trapped in the grid system and the submarine's batteries were depleted, the air purifiers and treatment systems could have eventually failed.”

The officer further said that the battery failure meant the ship would revert to secondary systems, which “subsequently and plausibly failed to maintain air, leading to asphyxiation or poisoning.”

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The article Tragedy at sea: 55 sailors would have died in a Chinese nuclear submarine following an accident comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tragedia-in-mare-55-marinai-sarebbero-morti-in-un-sottomarino-nucleare-cinese-a-seguito-di-un-incidente/ on Thu, 05 Oct 2023 08:30:17 +0000.