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Transparent transparency at the time of non-existent democracy

On Thursday afternoon, just past, the trip of the European parliamentarians in the temple of democracy ended, indeed in the "time" of democracy. In effect, the temple of democracy would then be the Parliament in which they operate, which however is only pretend to be such. In fact, it is the only Parliament in the world that does not have a legislative initiative (ie the power to propose-promote a law) which is like saying the only elephant in the world without a trunk. With the difference that the second is an animal that does not exist, the first really exists but no one notices it.

But let's go back to the bomb and that is to the journey of the European parliamentarians in the "time" of democracy. A very short time for a very short recreational trip: from Tuesday to last Thursday. In these exciting two days, European parliamentarians have been allowed to see and study closely the fifth agreement for the purchase of anti-Covid vaccines stipulated by the European Commission: the one with the Curevac company.

You will say: what's strange? God forbid that such an important document cannot be viewed by representatives of the European people. Right observation, in democratic "times". But we live, as we know, in exceptional times (democrats in the cube, so to speak). Where the EU parliament does not make the Parliament, but only the choreographic wallpaper of the alleged European democracy. And, above all, where "transparency" is an option that can be used, and celebrated, once or twice a year, just like Christmas and Ferragosto.

And so, from Tuesday 12 January to Thursday 14 January, the schoolchildren of the European Parliament were able, strictly by reservation, to access a private room where they can look (and not touch, we presume) the sacred text of the agreement. But with precise rules. Could there have been no rules, in the time of rules? And therefore: it is forbidden to take notes, it is forbidden to ask for copies, it is forbidden to take photographs, it is forbidden to use smartphones, tablets and even assistants. Maybe he was allowed to bring a basket with a sandwich and the Fanta, but it needs to be checked. Children in masks in Italian schools are given more freedom, let's say.

Instead – parliamentarians on a trip to the time of non-democracy – were only allowed to read hundreds of pages without being able to take notes. Oh well, but they will have memorized and now they will relate us, the candidate on duty will say. It is not. Because they had to sign a confidentiality statement first. Ergo, the representatives elected by the people are forbidden even to report to the people what are the "safeguard" clauses of the interests of those who, with the vaccine, do business.

This is the state of the art of European democracy. A house of opaque glass that the elected can enter once a year and the voters never. However, they will tell you, there is still the Commission to watch over Curevac, vaccines, contracts, damages, "refreshments" and – it goes without saying – on us. Ah right, that Council of twenty-seven "nominated" on which Article 17 of the Maastricht Treaty guarantees: chosen on the basis of their general " competence" and their " European" commitment and among personalities who offer all the guarantees of " independence " . For the needs of democracy and transparency, review in a year. See you on the next trip.

Francesco Carraro


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The article Transparent transparency at the time of non-existent democracy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-trasparenza-trasparente-al-tempo-della-democrazia-inesistente/ on Sat, 16 Jan 2021 09:30:22 +0000.