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Economic Scenarios

Tremonti: the world of the future will be a battlefield between powers

Tremonti offers us his vision of the world, which he has been observing since the 1980s. Since that time there has been a global trend that has emptied democratic power over the past thirty years. A very strong change, which took place in a short time, of which the WTO was a necessary tool. With the entry of Asia and China into the WTO, everything started to collapse.

In those years there was talk of the "End of history", in which it was thought of building a "new man" based on the market, with the cancellation of geography. All for globalization.

Now, in the post-financial crisis and post-pandemic world. Now we are moving towards the end of globalization, but the pandemic, and the conflicts return. Let's go back to an international dimension, with comparisons between powers, including military ones, between real powers. We will have comparisons in the Pacific, we will also have comparisons in the Arctic, for commercial reasons. I am returning to the previous phase, pre-globalization. Will we be able to play our cards?

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The article Tremonti: the world of the future will be a battlefield between powers comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tremonti-il-mondo-del-futuro-sara-un-campo-di-battaglia-fra-potenze/ on Sat, 19 Jun 2021 18:22:10 +0000.