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Trond Harald Haaland: the Norwegian sent to a mental hospital for questioning covid policies. A scandal uncovers Norwegian medicine

Norwegian healthcare is shaken by a scandal that recalls the worst moments of psychiatric medicine and its dirty relationship with power. Trond Harald Haalan is a civil servant who would never have entered the limelight if he hadn't been forcibly committed to a psychiatric clinic due to some of his internet posts.

All in all, these were "Normal" posts , in which they highlighted the ties between power and pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines and opposed vaccination obligations. This was enough for a doctor to force him to be admitted to a psychiatric clinic without even having read the post directly, only pro relata, and on the basis of completely erroneous data and evaluations. For example, the psychiatrist spoke of a "Bad relationship with the mother", which never happened.

Fortunately, his hospitalization was subjected to the evaluation of a control commission which, on the one hand, noted not only that the person was perfectly sane, but that the whole procedure according to which he had been interned was completely wrong in every single phase. . His hospitalization was nothing but a great abuse. There was no assessment by multiple independent doctors, only by a health worker who had gone to the man's home with the police. A second independent doctor who was to see him within 24 hours did so when someone had already confirmed hospitalization. In his file there had been talk of the chaos caused by his visitors, when only four people had gone to visit him and with great respect for the patients. In short, everything was based only on falsehoods. Now it's all over.

Thanks to the commission and his lawyer Harald was therefore discharged, but this fact led to a profound discussion on how medicine, and psychiatry in particular, can be manipulated by the power to impose a single vision, allowing those who do not approve of it to pass for a crazy visionary. Dissent is repressed medically . . This is a threat to freedom of thought and speech that must be taken seriously. Those who criticize power should not be put on the same level as those who smash cars on the street in the grip of a fit, or indulge in other violent behavior.

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The article Trond Harald Haaland: the Norwegian sent to a mental hospital for questioning covid policies. Scandal discovers Norwegian medicine comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trond-harald-haaland-il-2-norvegesse-mandato-in-manicomio-per-aver-messo-in-dubbio-un-le-politiche-sul-covid-uno-scandalo-scopre-la-medicina-norvegese/ on Sat, 05 Aug 2023 11:55:00 +0000.