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Trump prepares a class action against Facebook and Twitter

Former President Donald Trump plans to announce collective lawsuits against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey today, sources told Axios.

This is the latest assault in Trump's years-long battle with Twitter and Facebook for free speech and censorship. Trump is completely banned from Twitter and is banned from Facebook for another two years, until 2023. The announcement will be at 11am East, around 5pm in Europe

Trump's legal effort is supported by the America First Policy Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on perpetuating Trump's policies. The president and CEO of the association will accompany him in the announcement.
The class action lawsuits would allow him to sue the two CEOs on behalf of a larger group of people who he believes have been censored by biased policies, thus joining forces with many communicators affected by web censorship.
As of now Facebook and Twitter have declined to comment, but they will have to do so in court. The accusers will have to present evidence of the platforms' prejudiced behavior.
The president and his allies have repeatedly criticized the bans as censorship. The tech giants claim they were put in place for security reasons after the siege of the Capitol in January.
Facebook's independent supervisory board confirmed Facebook's decision to suspend Trump in May.

Pending serious and comprehensive legislation that protects users and their freedom of speech from abuse and social media, often influenced by undemocratic powers, this could be the largest measure ever taken in favor of free speech. A battle that will not be easy, but that we will see how it ends.

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The Trump article prepares a class action against Facebook and Twitter comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trump-prepara-una-class-action-contro-facebook-e-twitter/ on Wed, 07 Jul 2021 15:12:51 +0000.