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Trump returns to the White House: “Don’t let COVID-19 dominate our lives”

Trump returns to the White House and releases a video that is all a program: "Don't let the virus rule your life."

Naturally, he first thanked the medical staff, then said he learned a lot from his hospitalization, things about Covid-19 that he didn't know before, to finish by saying: “Don't let the virus dominate your life. We are a great nation we have to face it, I have faced it. I know it's dangerous, but we have to go back to normal life ”. He also claimed to feel as good as ever in the past 20 years.

Here is the president who enters the White House from Marine One and stops to greet him, temporarily removing the mask (at a distance from everyone, if you notice it), making the hyper-dem journalists of CNN froth with rage;

Because in the end what drives American journalists, "Impartial" just like the worst of our own, is the fact that in the end Trump got off well in 48 hours, not only returning to action anyway, even if with some obvious limitations, but showing how the virus can be overcome without causing terror. This has been noted by several listeners and political figures "Doesn't it seem like the Dems and the maistream press are angry that the President is recovering?"

The president received Remdesivir, in combination with other drugs, and the new monoclonal antibodies of artificial origin, which will soon come out of the experimental phase.

We will see if this event will affect the election campaign. Joe Biden said he was ready for the second live confrontation, but it seems he asked for a plexiglass barrier to be created to separate him from the other contender. However, November is approaching, and with it also the elections.

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The Trump article returns to the White House: "Do not let COVID-19 dominate our lives" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trump-torna-alla-casa-bianca-non-lasciare-che-il-covid-19-domini-la-vostra-vita/ on Tue, 06 Oct 2020 06:19:49 +0000.