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Trump: “The elections are not over”. But he will have to prove the errors before the Supreme Court

The mainstream media has launched a coordinated effort to proclaim Joe Biden President-elect.

President Trump and his campaign team reminded Americans that " Legal votes decide who is president, not the media ."

As a constitutional attorney, Jenna Ellis explains: " J o and Biden is not the elected president just because the media declares him so ."

Coordinated media efforts are trying to simply declare Joe Biden president and ignore the rule of law.

There is no official winner until every legal vote is accurately counted, states certify the results, and all legal disputes are resolved.

As a reminder, here are the official dates that matter (contrary to what CNN and others think) .

  • December 8: States are required to resolve disputes at least six days before the voters' meeting;
  • December 14: Voters gather in their respective states to certify their votes for the President and Vice President;

As Trump said earlier, "this election is far from over."

Normally the unofficial proclamation took place first simply because the loser "conceded" the victory, recognizing the defeat. this time does not seem to be the case, as Trump's latest statements say.

“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to pretend to be the winner, and why his media allies are trying to help him – they don't want the truth revealed. The simple fact is that these elections are far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as a winner by any state, let alone any of the highly contested states that have headed for mandatory recount, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate winner. . In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not allowed to witness the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the media.

“Starting Monday, our election campaign will begin pursuing our case in court to ensure that the electoral laws are fully respected and that the rightful winner is seated. The American people have a right to an honest election: that means counting all the legal ballots and not counting the illegal ones. This is the only way to ensure that the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that Biden's campaign refuses to accept this basic principle and wants ballots to be counted even if fraudulent, fabricated, or thrown by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would illegally keep observers out of the counting room – and then fight in court to block their access.

“So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American people have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands ”.

– President Donald J. Trump

How can it end now?

  1. the recounts confirm Biden and Trump accepts defeat, also under pressure from the Party. In the end, the Republicans may also be okay with leaving everything as it is: Trump was uncomfortable, Pelosi was objectively defeated and is trying to survive, the maximalist-socialist thrust turned out to be a boomerang. Acting as if you've been defeated by a conspiracy can also lead to a few more seats in the mid-term elections;
  2. the recount leads to a Trump victory. In this case we will probably see street fights and mass media nervous breakdowns.
  3. the result is controversial and we have two sub-cases:
    • the lawsuits start. The supreme judge is the Supreme Court, but it is up to the plaintiff to prove the fraud and its extent. It wouldn't be easy right now, but we don't know what can happen;
    • the question is resolved by a gentlemen agreement as with the Electoral Committee of 1878. This would require an exchange between the parties, a political mediation. I know what? No one knows yet.

However we will see some good ones in the coming days. Otherwise you can do as Gentiloni and start "Hugging yourself".

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The Trump article : "The elections are not over". But he will have to prove the errors before the Supreme Court comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trump-le-elezioni-non-sono-finite-pero-dovra-dimostrare-gli-errori-davanti-alla-corte-suprema/ on Sat, 07 Nov 2020 20:26:01 +0000.