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Twitter own goal: bans Veritas and makes the Fauci scandal fly

Do you know what the Streisand effect is? This is the media phenomenon whereby deleting information or a source spreads it indefinitely. This is what happened to Project Veritas which denounced the Fauci – Wuhan scandal, and for this reason it was banned from Twitter. News that would have been overshadowed internationally is truly upsetting the web and social media.

What it is: Project Veritas, using the FOIA, the US law that obliges the documents of federal bodies to be made public, has obtained, he says, the evidence that Fauci's NIH would have financed Wuhan's research on the "Profit of Function ”of viruses, through the Ecohealth Alliance, an intermediate organization headed by Peter Daszak. The problem for Fauci is that he, in a public hearing in the Senate, in the face of the specific question of Senator Rand Paul, flatly denied, and in a way that was not very polite, this accusation. The "Gain of Function" "is nothing more than the enhancement of a virus, hybridizing it and inserting characteristics that" improve "it, making it more infectious, and for this reason research is banned in many states.

Project Veritas, however, had already found about a month ago (the Telegraph talked about it and we talked about it here ) of the documents according to which the Ecohealth Alliance had sought funding from DARPA, the US defense research body, precisely to carry out these searches, and DARPA, had precisely defined them as "Research on Function Gain". DARPA, a military body, had refused funding as it found the research too dangerous. Now Project Veritas would have found both official documents, through FOIA, and direct testimonies, which confirm the request made to DARPA, and which specify that what EcoHealth Alliance was achieving was just an increase in function. Fauci has always denied this point, which instead would be officially confirmed. All of this was concentrated in one video:

If that were the case, Fauci would have committed a serious crime by lying before a Senate commission, a crime for which in the US, who don't joke about these things, you go to jail without going out of the way.

The news was largely already known and perhaps would have gone subdued had Twitter not, without warning, deleted the Project Veritas account after the video was published. This caused the news to explode, also because with a Telegram account with 660,000 subscribers, Twitter becomes almost superfluous.

The company that once belonged to Jack Dorsey now uses censoring a little too much, practically making users flee with this behavior. Among other things, the news of Project Veritas were already known, even if not officially confirmed. However, doing the censors pro Fauci does not do well, especially if you have invested in social media, as clearly shown by the six-month trend of the stock, which has lost 41.88% of its value.

A social media that selects news and deletes those it deems inconvenient betrays its function, a bit like a car that refuses to take you where you want, but only takes you where it wants. The shareholders are evidently noticing this. With the censorship, Twitter will think it has been clever, but it has only damaged itself by promoting the spread of the news that it wanted to cancel. The “Streisand” effect is deadly and the Project Veritas video has reached nearly 1.4 million views.

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The article Twitter's own goal: banning Veritas and making the Fauci scandal fly comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/autogol-di-twitter-banna-la-veritas-e-fa-volare-lo-scandalo-fauci/ on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 19:27:15 +0000.