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Economic Scenarios

UK: many more infected among the vaccinated. The tangible failure of the West

The English press, the official and considered prestigious press, is beginning to have serious doubts about the effectiveness of the ways in which the covid epidemic has been dealt with up to now, starting with vaccines. An article by Lionel Shriver that appeared in The Spectator states, papal papal, the following:

Cooler information reinforced this end of the summer. In every age group over 30 in the UK, Covid infection rates per 100,000 are now higher among vaccinated than among unvaccinated. Indeed, in cohorts aged 40 to 79, infection rates among vaccinated people are more than double that of unvaccinated. The unnecessarily renamed body of PHE, the UK's Health Safety Agency, frantically makes it clear that the data "should not be used to estimate vaccine efficacy," a caveat I include for accuracy.

Here is a graphical representation of this data by age group and infection rate:

What we are witnessing, even in European countries, is the complete failure of a way of thinking. Unfortunately, there is a stubborn inability to understand how one can make a mistake, how it is often necessary to correct the shot, especially when you are faced with something new. Unfortunately, the problem of our times is the total lack of self-criticism, or critical thinking in general. Nobody comes to think of alternative solutions: if an economic system, or a therapy, or a policy does not work, the solution is to continue it. The bad management of health policy in the face of an epidemic that, in the past decades, would have made our grandparents laugh, is only the exemplification of a political system so self-referential that it does not realize when it is wrong. This is not just a criticism of the Greenpass or vaccination policies, but precisely the involution of thinking. Yet nothing is wiser than understanding mistakes and learning from them.

The Austrian response, based on the lockdown and obligations, will not break down the contagion curve, which will follow their own perfectly natural course. It will only come to be yet another opportunity for social confrontation, for the breakup of a society on its last legs. We are at the end of Western thought, and it will not be a pretty sight.

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The UK article : many more infected among the vaccinated. The tangible failure of the West comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/uk-molti-piu-contagiati-gravi-vaccinati-il-tangibile-fallimento-delloccidente/ on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 15:22:09 +0000.