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Ukraine and Land Registry: when the Italian home is a greater danger than the Russians (by Marco Minossi)

In addition to the fiscal aspect, with the government deeming it more essential a revision only "Statistical" of the land register rather than the ongoing war in the east, there is also the aspect of the mix between State of Emergency and Italian homes. We present a piece by Marco Minossi

The reserve state of emergency2 was triggered, after the evidence led to the decay from 1 April (a dangerous date in terms of reliability  ), the one linked to the pandemic. The motivation speaks for itself: "to allow humanitarian aid to Ukraine". Country-emergency, therefore. This move means one thing, maybe two: surely that the government is theoretically no more, due to the divisions, which this time would seem serious, of the jumble. . . .ehm, sorry, of the "majority" on the land registry reform, which Draghi set as a fundamental basis for proceeding with the tax reform.

Of course, converting the cadastral value of Italian properties into market value will lead to an easy revision of a certain type, in a certain tax direction that is easily imaginable, and not only as regards IMU, given that a dimension of private assets will emerge that will put fear in Italy, and envy in Europe. There is an emergency, however, and therefore woe to break up. The situation of the executive is identical to that of Conte2 in December 2019-January 2020 on the reform of the prescription of Bonafede. The government would have fallen dramatically, but then the pandemic arrived, and all the troubles took them away; now comes the war, and everyone down to earth. Ah, I forgot: the second reason, the most inherent and most consistent with the new state of emergency declared up to thirty-one twelve, could be to oblige the owners of second, third and fourth homes to give them to the Ukrainians. Speranza will gloat, who will see the communist state take over the property, after having placed it at the freedom of the citizens. Maybe though – oops! – we will see a boom in ex-big babies, young people who still live in their families at 25-30, who will go to live there alone or with their girlfriend, changing their residence. Thus, with a single blow, dad and mom will save on the IMU, and will also avoid forced expropriation, in Italy.

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The article Ukraine and Cadastre: when the home of the Italians is a greater danger than the Russians (by Marco Minossi) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ucraina-e-catasto-quando-la-casa-degli-italiani-e-un-pericolo-maggiore-dei-russi-di-marco-minossi/ on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 13:00:36 +0000.