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Untested vaccines and forced injections: how vaccinations are progressing in China

As in Italy the somewhat casual goal of reaching 80% of vaccinated by the end of September was set, in China Xi Jinping has set as an essentially political goal the vaccination of 1.1 billion Chinese against the coronavirus by the end of October. An “Ambitious” objective, a word much loved by politicians when we are not talking about citizens' well-being or freedom, so we proceed to inoculations even in a very approximate way.

Cheng Xiaofeng contacted Radio Free Asia and had the courage to give a picture of the situation in the city of ZhuZhou, Hunan, where he is trying to organize demonstrations. The vaccines presented often do not have sufficient clinical studies behind them, some do not even report the approval by the health authorities, and citizens who do not get vaccinated are refused health insurance, indeed they are often obliged to sign documents in which they say they want to voluntarily vaccinate. people fill out forms that make vaccinations appear to be voluntary, even if they are not, and that free the authorities from any responsibility the authorities. Yet there have been many severe side effects, with friends of the interviewee staying in bed, with a fever, for up to a month.

The interviewee tried to organize a legitimate protest demonstration, with a sit in, but the police did not even answer him, on the contrary they strongly advised against him. The goal of vaccination is purely political: it wants to demonstrate the power of the party over the nation, so this figure of 1.1 billion vaccinated will be pursued at any cost, even against science and logic. Maybe this may remind you a little of some European country.

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The article Untested vaccines and forced injections: how vaccinations are progressing in China comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vaccini-non-testati-e-iniezioni-forzate-come-vanno-avanti-le-vaccinazioni-in-cina/ on Thu, 26 Aug 2021 18:02:33 +0000.