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Economic Scenarios

US primaries: the smartest candidate? Robert Kennedy Jr. And how is Trump doing?

The recent Harvard Harris Polls identified which candidates are most for the US electorate, by measuring how favorably, unfavorably or neutrally the individual candidates were viewed by the electorate. The plethora of presumed or real candidates has been very large, but the results are very interesting.

Here are the results

The candidate most favored by American voters is Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the son of Senator Robert Kennedy and nephew of John F. Kennedy, the president killed in Dallas. For him, the percentage of votes in favor exceeds that of votes against by 21 percentage points.

Former President Trump sees negative votes outnumbering favorable ones by 5 percentage points, and he is a very polarizing figure.

Elon Musk, who is not a candidate in any case, sees the positive votes exceed the negative ones by 9 points, while a tie for the socialist Bernie Sanders. DeSantis sees more upvotes than downvotes by 3 points.

And Biden? For him, the negative votes exceed the positive ones by 14 points, one of the worst negative results together with Hillary Clinton and Mitch McConnell who was sick just today.

After John F. Kennedy, the politician with the most positive votes is the little-known Republican of Indian origins, Vivek Ramaswamy, with 10 points of positive votes more than negative.

After all, US voters have some doubts that Biden is capable of governing…

For 59% of American voters, Biden is no longer physically capable of being president. For 68% of Americans he is now too old.

The Dems will have to come up with something to get him elected…

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The article US primaries: the smartest candidate? Robert Kennedy Jr. And how is Trump doing? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/primarie-usa-il-candidato-piu-gardito-robert-kennedy-jr-e-come-e-messo-trump/ on Thu, 27 Jul 2023 20:37:49 +0000.