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Economic Scenarios

USA, EU and Italy: what prospects? Debate with Daniele Capezzone, the ID group leader Marco Zanni and the Head of the Lega delegation Marco Campomenosi

Moderated by Gabrilele Carrer, of Formiche, here is the debate, with the participation of Daniele Capezzone, Marco Zanni and Marco Campomenosi on the geopolitical perspectives of relations between Western countries, ie EU, USA, and Italy in particular. All this evaluated after the recent meeting of the G7, the first occasion in which the new Prime Minister Mario Draghi was present.

Despite the appearance of tranquility, the summit still showed the divisions already highlighted in previous years, with the US still pursuing a different policy from that of the US, and all in view of the need to face the rise of the Chinese superpower. But even this rivalry takes place in a gray and uncertain situation, above all due to a Biden who does not appear to have a strong and precise international line.

An interesting debate, for which we thank Inreverente.

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The article USA, EU and Italy: what prospects? Debate with Daniele Capezzone, the ID group leader Marco Zanni and the Head of the Lega delegation Marco Campomenosi comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/usa-ue-e-itali-quali-prospettive/ on Wed, 24 Feb 2021 09:00:22 +0000.