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“Vaccinated, cured or dead”: the cheerful alternative of the German health minister

Germany is undoubtedly going through a difficult time. If it has felt less than the previous waves, this time it is the heart of the contagion.

Deaths are on the rise although, thankfully, not with the rate of cases. However, the government is trying to react, right at the end of Ms. Merkel's mandate, who defined the situation as "highly dramatic". At the same time, however, the minister of health, the Christian Democrat Spahn, told France Press that within a few months " All German citizens will be vaccinated, cured, or many ".

We know that Austria has increased its obligations and impositions towards vaccinated people, climbing strongly in the ranking of restrictive countries for covid-19 measures

As for Germany, many of the country's famous outdoor Christmas markets have already been canceled for the second consecutive year, and people who haven't had the vaccination face possible curfews and other restrictions. The situation in hospitals is increasingly tense, with clinics preparing to transfer the seriously ill to other facilities, according to the German intensive care association DIVI.

all these regulations, however, depress the economy, and the first indicator, the stock market, is starting to suffer, with the Eurostoxx 50 index which has eprso over 1% in the past 5 days. The German economic sentiment index ZEW also fell in October and November

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The article "Vaccinated, cured or dead": the cheerful alternative of the German health minister comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vaccinato-curato-o-morto-lallega-alternativa-del-ministro-della-sanita-tedesco/ on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 18:38:57 +0000.