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Vaccinated who “svaccinano”. Italy is a toy land on Covid-19 data. Ridiculous information

What you see is the first page of Corriere della Sera of 25 April 1945. When the whole Nazi regime collapsed, and Mussolini had taken the tragic road to Dongo, because the Italian news is courageous only ex post, after, never ex ante.

As in 1945, today information is truly the rear guard of power, managing to reach extremely high levels of ridicule. Fortunately, our times are more ridiculous than tragic.

Let's take Cerasa del Foglio, which today tweets garrulously the data of the ISS

Here are the data boasted by Cerasa.

The data did not escape Claudio Borghi

Here is the data shown by Claudio Borghi in the tweet.

The ISS justified itself by saying that the "Data was raw", but it is clear that, in three weeks:

  • The unvaccinated have GROWN from 6,660,263 to 6,875,025, so we have about 200,000 Italians who have "VACCINED";
  • Vaccinates with the booster fell in three weeks from 8,102,818 to 5,697,985

So just as there is the possibility of "Banging" there is the possibility of "Svaccinarsi", and the vaccinations are canceled. Or you can travel in time and forgo having a booster vaccination already done.

Of course this is not the case and all this is just the umpteenth demonstration of how this pandemic has been managed in Italy: in a superficial, unscientific, approximate and teasing way. Obviously neither journalists, nor data managers, nor Health Minister EVER ANYONE will resign for this mess. They will all remain perched on their own positions. Exactly as it happened in Berlin at the end of April 1945.

PS: on the data it seems that Claudio Borghi has presented 10 questions to which the Ministry has never answered.

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The article Vaccinated that "Svaccinano". Italy is a toy country on Covid-19 data. Ridiculous information comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vaccinati-che-si-svaccinano-litalia-paese-dei-balocchi-sui-dati-covid-19-informazione-ridicola/ on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 21:50:22 +0000.