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Vaccination obligation: a useless forcing, which only shows the weakness of the Italians

Yesterday Prime Minister Draghi opened the vaccination obligation against Covid-19. On the one hand, it can even be a positive fact: it is finally clear who will be responsible, moral, political, economic and criminal, for any immediate and long-term adverse effects of vaccination. Enough informed consent extorted, to pay the economic damages is the state, to pay the moral and political ones will be the head of the government, we will see criminally.

This possible choice isolates Italy from advanced countries and western countries, putting it in line with Turkmenistan and Tajikistan to which Indonesia is added, where however the Sinovac vaccine, mandatory since February, does not seem to have given adequate coverage.

In red the countries where vaccination is mandatory, in orange where it is only for certain categories of people, in yellow where it is to enter certain places.

Not even in China, where coercive means have been used to reach the goal of 1.1 billion vaccinated, is inoculation mandatory. The choice is not justified even by the high number of vaccine objectors: in reality, Italians have been vaccinated at the level of France and the United Kingdom, much more than Sweden, Austria and Germany, which have had fewer deaths, than the USA and considerably more than to advanced Western countries such as Australia

In Spain and Portugal he was vaccinated more without any need for obligation, indeed without even the Green pass, which was blatantly rejected at the constitutional level.

The history of existing vaccination obligations also shows that these were never imposed immediately, but after careful consideration. Let's take the case of vaccination against Poliomyelitis: in our country the Salk vaccine was adopted in 1957. In the two-year period 1959-1960, vaccination is recommended, not imposed, for people from 0 to 20 years old when the incidence of poliomyelitis reaches its peak in Italy, with over 8 000 cases declared, and we are talking about a disease with far more serious consequences than Covid-19. The Sabin vaccine replaced IPV in the spring of 1964, when a mass vaccination campaign for the population aged 0 to 20 began. In 1964 the reported cases of poliomyelitis in Italy were about 3 000. In 1965 the number of reported cases was limited to 500 cases. In 1966, polio vaccination becomes mandatory. So there were years, and not a few, in which vaccination was only strongly recommended, and practiced en masse, without obligation. When it was verified that this was effective and that the vaccine actually had a limited risk, a general obligation was imposed. Among other things, this vaccine also proved to be not absolutely immune to problems: initially the IPV vaccine, the first to be used, was put aside because it caused tens of thousands of cases in the USA. Then we moved on to OPV (Sabin) which, however, was in turn replaced after 2000 by a new, much improved IPV vaccine. Science does not go by absolute truth, like politics, it continues by trial and error. After all, vaccination polio cases in the USA exceed natural ones since 2017.

This of course does not mean being against vaccination, which is a very valid preventive tool, when exercised in a controlled, conscientious and rational way.

Let's add a third point: there is still no international consistency on the need or not of the third dose for mRNA vaccines, and it is not even said that these are the definitive vaccines against Covid-19. WHO and EMA do not approve the third dose for now, which is general only in Israel. In some countries, the USA and Germany, it is offered to the immunosuppressed, in others it is just not mentioned. In addition, new generations of vaccines are coming out: GSK, for example, is in the third phase of experimentation with a vaccine similar, as a concept, to Astra Zeneca, but which promises better effectiveness. Attenuated virus vaccines are also in the third phase. Which will be the most effective, and the least risky, the tests will tell, but they take time. Do we all want to revaccinate everyone with different mixes?

At the same time, it is precisely the numbers that tell us that the application of a vaccination obligation for Italy, now, has no scientific basis:

  • we do not have a strong vaccination defect;
  • we do not have sufficient experimentation;
  • the obligation is not exercised by any other Western country.

The reasons for the obligation are only political, ideological and, dare I say, psychological:

  • political, because a political party thus thinks of influencing the election of the President of the Republic by building an "Ad Hoc" government;
  • ideological, because the same political party strongly despises the Italians and does not consider them worthy to freely choose their own future;
  • psychological, because it is the same part that then adores the "Strong Man", of whatever vein he is, from Mussolini onwards, and therefore always tries to recreate it at the first opportunity, only to destroy it immediately, as soon as it falters.

The intelligence of the ruler is not to fall into these traps. Unfortunately, human salt is the rarest commodity in circulation.

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The article Obligation to vaccinate: a useless forcing, which only shows the weakness of Italians, comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/obbligo-vaccinale-una-forzatura-inutile-che-mostra-solo-la-debolezza-degli-italiani/ on Fri, 03 Sep 2021 06:58:04 +0000.