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Vaccines: Effects of the third dose negative compared to those who received two doses. What about the new HIV variant?

More and more information begins to come in about the effects of mass vaccination at set time intervals a little for the better. One of the consequences of the periodic administration of these preparations is that the immune system can "anergize" . Translated, the immune system could become paralyzed, leaving the body without defenses, and this not only against Covid-19. This effect is also described by a member of the Technical Scientific Committee , in an interview in Corriere della Sera. Given that both the statements of both, are taken as gold for some time, we can say with certainty that we have reported "the science". In short, the one that is irrefutable by the serial denials of correct news.

We now know that the effects of the third dose are even negative compared to someone who has received two doses. This is based on a study of data from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità , whose authors explained the results in detail in an interview on Byoblu . The risk of hospitalization and even death increases for those who have received three inoculations. Could these vaccines have led to new virus variants, as well as immune system malfunctions?

But there is more: "Some anti-Covid vaccines can increase the risk of contracting HIV ".

For further information, we therefore refer you to the rather worrying and exhaustive article by Franz Becchi on Byoblu:


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The article Vaccines: negative effects of the third dose compared to those who received two doses. What about the new HIV variant? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vaccini-effetti-della-terza-dose-negativi-rispetto-a-chi-ha-ricevuto-due-dosi-e-la-nuova-variante-hiv/ on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 17:50:11 +0000.