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Economic Scenarios

Venezuela is secretly invading Essequibo and even creating a regional administration

Venezuelan army

The dispute between Guyana and Venezuela is far from over, indeed it is evolving with a series of actions carried out by Caracas which scares the current inhabitants of Essequibo, who have begun to leave their lands and homes.

As reported by Magneti News , informed by Guyanese citizens on site, the residents' concern is increasing, Venezuelans are flocking to the Essequibo region, while frightened Guyanese are moving away. Taking advantage of this holiday period, many of the 125 thousand inhabitants of the disputed area are leaving.

The fear among the population is notable because they know very well that the 6,000 Guyanese soldiers and police present in the region are completely unprepared to face the aggressive Venezuelans, who are much more armed. The Guyanese forces do not even have a patrol vessel at their disposal to monitor the seas.

So the population feels completely helpless. Guyana has a population of only 800 thousand inhabitants, it cannot defend itself from a more populous neighbor and, above all, one that does not show many scruples. The Venezuelans even arrested two border guards from Guyana.

Venezuela continues with its expansionary policy

Confirming these territorial expansion plans, the Venezuelan National Assembly unanimously approved the Law for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba, a territory rich in natural resources that is in dispute with Guyana.

The law creates the State of “Guayana Esequiba,” which borders Guyana to the east and will be governed by a governor appointed through elections. Meanwhile, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro will appoint an authority for the area.

The capital of the new state will temporarily be Tumeremo, a city located in the state of Bolivar. This city will serve as the capital of Guyana Esequiba until Venezuela “reaches a practical and mutually acceptable solution with Guyana” over the disputed territory.

In reality, as we have read, the Venezuelans are already taking steps to occupy the territory and this could mean a direct clash that will occur very soon.

The National Assembly also determined that elected officials in the Guayana Esequiba State cannot be citizens who have engaged in behavior that directly or indirectly favors or supports Guyana's position to the detriment of Venezuela's claims to Essequibo. A way of saying that all Guyanese officials will be dismissed and replaced with Venezuelans. A real de facto occupation.

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The article Venezuela is secretly invading Essequibo and even creating a regional administration comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/venezuela-invasione-essequibo-guyana/ on Sat, 30 Mar 2024 08:00:24 +0000.