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The sad story of the Vienna massacre, the deaths and the numerous injuries caused by an attacker who went free for a big city, without anyone stopping him, could have been avoided. A little professionalism would have been enough, a little less do-gooding.

Let's see the incredible mistakes of the Austrian police and authorities:

  • the attacker was of Austro-Macedonian citizenship, from a family of Albanian origin. He had attended high school in Vienna, but evidently no one had noticed his fundamentalism;
  • the bomber in 2018 had tried to take a plane to Afghanistan, but was blocked from boarding due to lack of a visa and reported;
  • the attacker then tried to reach ISIS via Turkey. He had been arrested and sent back to Austria where he was sentenced to one year, but then freed at the end of 2019 because he was considered "Deradicalized". On the basis of what remains a mystery, he nevertheless fulfilled all the requirements for probation, at least for the Austrians;
  • last July the attacker went to Slovakia where he looked for ammunition for a Kalashnikov AK-47, which he evidently already owned. The Slovak authorities had sent a warning to the Austrians who, however, had ignored it. So the bomber will have found the ammunition by other means.

What more did the bomber have to do to be discovered? Put a sign around his neck that read "I know no Islamic terrorist", The interior minister himself had to put that "Something went wrong", Just something?

At this point Kurz, like Macron, is calling for a hard punch against Islamism in Europe. France has outlawed the Turkish Gray Wolves, but Austria has done nothing for now. Meanwhile, the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, directly controlled by the Islamic Brotherhood and financed by Qatar and the other Gulf emirates, controls numerous mosques throughout Europe, hundreds in Vienna alone. But all is well, and, you see, nobody will do anything serious. Because in the end Kurz is nothing but a puppet operated by a Germany bent to Erdogan.

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The article MASSACRE OF VIENNA AND INCREDIBLE SUPERFICIALITY OF THE AUSRIAN POLICE (and not only) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/strage-di-vienna-ed-incredibile-superficialita-della-polizia-ausriaca-e-non-solo/ on Thu, 05 Nov 2020 08:24:33 +0000.