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Vigilant almost assaulted by the masks: absurd rules lead to the rivola

Many rules, such as the obligation of outdoor masks, or the curfew, are becoming increasingly incomprehensible to Italians. Unfortunately, the police are obliged to enforce even the absurd rules. What sense does the curfew have today when Speranza signed an ordinance, valid only one day, to exclude it because the final of the Italian Cup !.

In a city, probably Rome, RadioSavana brings us this video: a policeman wants to put a mask on a person outdoors with excessive vehemence. The situation degenerates and people start to turn against the police, even with vehemence. People, even the elderly, shout "Fanatics" and an unprecedented "Fanatics of institutions" to the police. The fighters beat a retreat.

This is a very bad sign. Maybe the fighters have never been loved, but in any case they have always been respected, but when they are forced to apply senseless rules, and someone does, perhaps, with an undeserving zeal of the cause, then they become hated. This is also the clear sign of an increasingly evident rupture between the institution and the people, but it must not be the people who change: it must be the rulers.

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The article Vigile almost attacked for the masks: absurd rules lead to the rivola comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vigile-quasi-assalito-per-le-mascherine-norme-assurde-portano-alla-rivola/ on Wed, 19 May 2021 20:40:22 +0000.