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Economic Scenarios

Villages in Parliament: the DEF is a useless exercise wanted by Europe. NO Taxes on the house

Hard intervention by Claudio Borghi in the Chamber on the DEF, the para-Soviet economic forecast document that the European Union requires to present and which should bind the budget, with its forecasts, for the next three years. A theoretical exercise and, frankly, stupid, as revealed by the reading of the 2018 DEF prepared by the Gentiloni government: a document in today's eyes absurd, which provided for oil at 50 dollars for 2021, for example, and a nice constant growth. A phony document, but wanted by the Commission, to nail governments to it, ignoring that the real world is made up of unexpected events and that the ability to react is much more important than forecasts on paper.

Borghi highlights the absurdity of the budget process imposed from above and which will be fully functional again next year. Instead, budget laws are made up of practical things, such as property taxes, which weigh on the pockets of citizens and which will be opposed in every way.

Good listening and thanks to Inreverente.

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The Borghi article in Parliament: the DEF useless exercise wanted by Europe. NO Tax on the house comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-in-parlamento-il-def-esercizio-inutile-voluto-dalleuropa-no-tasse-sulla-casa/ on Thu, 21 Apr 2022 12:00:00 +0000.