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Economic Scenarios

Violent May Day in Paris: 150,000 people in the square, clashes with the police

In Paris they have decided to celebrate May Day all the same. In a country theoretically in lockdown, the CGT, the left-wing trade union, gathered 150,000 people for the traditional march on May 1st which, again following a well-established modus operandi, clashed with the police. At least 34 arrested for the tough clashes in the Voltaire district.

Only the left can take to the streets to protest, the others are regularly beaten. The square now has only one regime, all aided by the police.

Rassemblement National Leader Marine Le Pen wore a wreath under the Joan of Arc monument. He also said Macron's re-election will usher in an era of chaos

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The article Violent May Day in Paris: 150 thousand people in the square, clashes with the police comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/primo-maggio-violento-a-parigi-150-mila-persone-in-piazza-scontri-con-la-polizia/ on Sat, 01 May 2021 17:31:33 +0000.