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Virus data today: matters of statistics

Knock knock knock !! ?? Is there a statistician in the room ??? Where am I??? Why don't they talk ???

I would like someone to confirm to me that I DO NOT GIVE NUMBERS, because of two things each, either I give them, or the media give them to them.
Today's situation according to today's official table is as follows.
7332 increase of new positive cases, that is 4.8% of the total population, out of 152196 swabs carried out.
The total number of positive cases, today, officially is 92445 of which 5470 hospitalized, that is 5.9%, and 539 in intensive care which represents 0.58% of the total of positives.
The positive data, extrapolated at national level (4.8% of positives on swabs) means that if we swab the entire population, we would find 2.897280 positives. Therefore, on the total population, the percentage of hospitalizations would drop to 0.009%, the percentage of intensive care to 0.00008%, a statistically null figure.
There are 43 deaths, that is 0.046% of the positives, that is 0.000007%, which statistically means a ZERO percentage rate on the total population.
I know it's bad to talk about deaths as if they were zero, but we are talking about statistics that are not such as to justify all these closures, the end and death of the country's economy. Every day in comparison 500 die of cancer and 600 of cardiovascular disease, which risk increasing due to the way hospitals are barricaded and the obligation of tampons that makes urgent cases neglect in the emergency room of hospitals where the necessary treatments are not administered before to have the results of the swabs.
We understand that on the one hand the main concern is the increase in intensive care, of which 4000 places still remain nationally, and on the other hand the interest in stopping the economy due to the great reset wanted by the World Economic Forum + Foundation Rockefeller for the common pass, the app on the smart as a covid vaccination passport.
It is also understood that nothing has been done to increase ICU jobs so now there is a "good" reason to spread terror, extend the state of emergency, publish dpcm and stop the economy.
Nforcheri 14/10/2020

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The article Virus data of today: questions of statistics comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/dati-virus-di-oggi-questioni-di-statistica/ on Wed, 14 Oct 2020 19:23:15 +0000.