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Selected News from the Galaxy

Economic Scenarios

Warning: strong solar storm for December 1st. Possible disturbances to communication and the electrical network

We are reaching maximum solar activity, predicted for 2024, and solar flares are intensifying: three and perhaps four CMEs, coronal mass ejections, are heading towards Earth following a series of solar events that occurred this week. Estimated arrival time: November 30th and December 1st . The largest of the CMEs , launched on November 28, could sweep away some of the smaller ones, forming a large CME capable of triggering strong G3-class geomagnetic storms with auroras in the mid-latitudes. Probable Northern Lights phenomena in the north

Almost class NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the explosion:

A pulse of extreme ultraviolet radiation has obscured shortwave radio communications across the South Pacific Ocean and parts of the Americas, as you can see from the following map, saving the old continent, for now:

Radio operators even on ships should have heard a strong disturbance and a loss of connection.

But it's not over. Of greater interest is the latest coronal mass ejection, hurled directly towards Earth. This SOHO coronagraphic footage shows a halo cloud expanding in our direction at speeds greater than 800 km/s (2.7 million km/h):

According to a NASA model, this CME will hit Earth at noon (UT) on December 1. This could cause a G3 class electromagnetic storm

This will disturb terrestrial electricity grids to the point that it could cause problems for the grid's security systems. In space, for satellites, the problems will be much greater.

Let's prepare for a very lively 2024 from a solar point of view.

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The article Warning: strong solar storm for December 1st. Possible disturbances to communication and electricity grid comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/attenzione-forte-tempesta-solare-per-il-primo-dicembre-possibili-disturbi-a-comunicazione-e-rete-elettrica/ on Wed, 29 Nov 2023 21:51:22 +0000.