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We explain the Supreme Court scandal – Abortion. How I build you a political case

Demonstrators outside the US Supreme Court, where the justices heard arguments over a Mississippi law banning most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, in Washington, Dec. 1, 2021. As the justices consider the stateÕs abortion law, scholars debate what a reversal of Roe v. Wade would mean for the courtÕs authority. (Kenny Holston / The New York Times)

Although in Italy the issue has gone subdued, in the US there has been a very big discussion born of the possibility that the Supreme Court will review the 1973 "Roe Vs Wade" ruling, which, even if with a view to limiting the federal interference, it came to legitimize abortion by decision of the woman.

The sentence had been the basis of the pro-abortion laws of the individual states which, however, remained free to limit the right on the basis of their own laws. This 1973 decision was followed by a 1992 confirmation, the Planned Prenthood Vs Casey ruling.

What happened again, in the face of past Supreme Court decisions? That Politico.Com, a well-informed but progressive online site, has circulated a draft sentence on a lawsuit, initiated in 2021 , written by judge Samuel Alito that would completely overturn Roe Vs Wade, thus changing the prevalent orientation of the last 50 years on abortion.

However, there are many who make it clear that the publication is, in reality, a political attack on the US Supreme Court. The President of the Supreme Court Roberts spoke clearly of a political attack, also because it is normal for the various members of the court to circulate within it the different draft sentences that are the basis of the confrontation between the various members. Here's what it says: “ Yesterday a news organization published a copy of a draft opinion in a pending lawsuit. Judges disseminate draft opinions internally as an ordinary and essential part of the Court's confidential deliberative work. Although the document described in yesterday's reports is authentic, it does not represent a court decision or the final position of any member on the issues at stake . "

Yet this leaked draft was very useful to some:

  • first of all, there was an immediate mobilization of all pro-abortion activists, with a reawakening of the consciences of the Lib-Bems, who took to the streets, a little throughout the USA, against the possible revision of the sentence, something of which he had not heard of for a long time;
  • it has moved a part of public opinion against the Supreme Court whose majority of judges have been appointed by Republican presidents (Bush and Trump).

all of this is very important at a time when approval for the Lib-Dem administration is at its lowest, both because it has lost control of inflation, and because the war in Ukraine is not going exactly the way the Americans would like. So what better thing than a classic progressivist battle to revitalize weary troops?

Now America is shaken by a battle that, in reality, stems from a real scam. After all, what is politics today, if not a series of repeated deceptions?

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The article We explain the Supreme Court scandal – Abortion. How do you build a political case comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vi-spieghiamo-la-scandalo-corte-suprema-aborto-come-ti-costruisco-un-caso-politico/ on Thu, 05 May 2022 11:58:30 +0000.