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Economic Scenarios

We have three million Italians who ask for food aid to feed themselves. But the EU will impose the new “Stability Pact” on us

In recent days, various media have published news that should make us think: In Italy we now have almost three million poor people who ask for food aid to eat, with a growth of 12%. This is what emerges from Coldiretti's analysis of the Fead's 2022 report. "An unprecedented social emergency since the post-war period, caused by the deadly mix of covid and the energy crisis", underlines Coldiretti in a note. Another dramatic figure: children under 15 needing assistance to eat have exceeded 600,000. Added to these are 337,000 elderly people over 65 and 687,000 foreign migrants.

So in such a situation next year the Minister for the Economy will find himself having to discuss the renewal of the "Stability Pact" at European level, i.e. the absurd budget rules that prevent investments, not the necessary aid or bonuses to get out of this dramatic situation. Not only that, but they are used for low-productivity, but "Green" and carbon neutral activities, billions that could instead be used for extremely more productive uses from the point of view of work: what is a solar power plant with panels built in China or a wind farm with blades made in Germany, when there are extremely advanced technologies, for example in the sector of water turbines, in Italy? Yet we allow absurd constraints to be imposed, our economy to be damaged, when we have three million citizens who need help to get lunch and dinner together. Isn't it time to review these paradigms and not entrust ourselves to the austerity of the moment, which only creates new poor people and new hunger, to try a different action plan?

Think about it every now and then.

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The article We have three million Italians asking for food aid to feed themselves. But the EU will impose on us the new "Stability Pact" comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/abbiamo-tre-milioni-di-italiani-che-chiedono-un-aiuto-alimentare-per-sfamarsi-pero-la-ue-ci-imporra-il-nuovo-patto-di-stabilita/ on Thu, 17 Nov 2022 08:00:19 +0000.