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Economic Scenarios


Interview with Nicola Molteni of the Lega on the situation of irregular migrants who disembark in Italy and the social and health emergency they are creating, to which Musumeci, governor of Sicily, responded by signing an order for the evacuation of reception camps in Sicily , where the situation is out of control. At a time when Italians are subjected to very severe restrictions on freedom, in which there is talk of a second-wave risk from many sides, especially from the government, we are forced to manage a wave of Tunisians who should be instantly sent home, but they are not and do not care about the expulsion decrees, and other irregular immigrants beautifully landed by NGOs. Despite the pro-European claims of Lamorgese and Conte, there has been no rotation of the ports, the ports that rotate are only the Italian ones. Among other things, there are two decrees in force: one of the previous government, the Salvini Bis, and one of the current, which declared the Italian ports unsafe for Covid-19, which would prevent the landings of NGOs. Instead all of this goes on out of control.

For this reason, the League has decided to denounce Lamorgese and the government given that ministers can be denounced and that Salvini will go to trial on October 3, only for having respected his political program.

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The article WE WILL Denounce GOVERNMENT AND LAMORGESE BECAUSE THEY REPRESENT PUBLIC HEALTH. Molteni Lega comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/denunceremo-governo-e-lamorgese-perche-mettono-a-repentaglio-la-salute-pubblica-molteni-lega/ on Tue, 25 Aug 2020 07:12:43 +0000.