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Economic Scenarios

What are the legal administrative measures, and which are not, in the fight against Covid-19

In the midst of a situation in which a part of the virologists ask for the jail for the Italians, who should remain closed in their homes, someone, the American scientific journal Science , has done a research on the effectiveness of the restrictive measures taken by 41 countries around the world by states and public administrations.

The research was very objective: given the date on which a state took a single measure, how much this was, in retrospect, able to reduce the infamous Rt index, that is, the virus transmission index.

The result is based on the median value and on the statistical distribution of the various cases, and this to explain the particular shape of the graph, which we are going to present to you now:

Here is a simple reading of the data:

  • the most effective measures were linked to the ban on meetings with 10 or more people;
  • therefore the second measure of effectiveness was the closure of schools;
  • therefore the prohibition of assemblies with 100 or more people;
  • hence the closure of non-essential commercial activities.
  • Lastly, the idea of ​​staying at home.

In the light of this research, we could objectively ask ourselves whether the measures linked to the so-called "Red Zones" are effective or not. The schools were closed AFTER economic activities, but perhaps they had to be closed much earlier. Restrictions on personal freedoms are not as effective as the closure of non-essential economic activities. We often talk about making science talk: why silence statistics, especially when it is not the one being manipulated?

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The article What are the legal administrative measures, and which are not, in the fight against Covid-19 comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quali-sono-le-misure-amministrative-legali-e-quali-non-lo-sono-nella-lotta-contro-il-covid-19/ on Sun, 07 Mar 2021 16:31:18 +0000.