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What are the most common blood groups in the world?

World Blood Donor Day is organized every 14 June by the World Health Organization with the aim of raising awareness of the need for safe blood, plasma and platelets and to celebrate the many people who save lives through their blood donations.

There are four different types of blood: A, B, O and AB. Each of these can be positive or negative, depending on the presence in red blood cells of a protein known as 'Rh factor'. Each blood type has slightly different qualities. For example, those with the O- group are universal donors. This means they can give blood to anyone. A B+, on the other hand , is a universal acceptor, so it can receive donations from anyone. Only about seven percent of the world is Rh negative.

As Anna Fleck of Statista shows in the map below, the most common blood type worldwide is O positive. Here is a graph of the distribution of blood groups

Europe, however, tells a slightly different story: the majority of its countries' population has a positive blood type A. Only two countries, among those surveyed by the World Population Review, have a higher percentage of blood group B positive: Pakistan and Bangladesh.

While this chart is useful for getting an overview of regional patterns, it hides some finer details, such as the uniform division of countries by blood type. For example, in China and India, a fairly large percentage of the population has B+ blood. In Europe, however, many countries are closely linked between O+ and A+. There are of course small differences and exemptions, with the Nordic countries accounting for a slightly larger share of people with A+ blood than O+, according to the World Population Review. The United States is also divided quite sharply: 37.4% of the population has type O+ and 35.7% A+, while only 8.5% has type B+.

The countries with the highest prevalence of a given blood group are Ecuador, Peru and Zimbabwe, with 75%, 70% and 63% O+ blood, respectively.

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The article What are the most common blood groups in the world? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quali-sono-i-gruppi-sanguigni-piu-diffusi-al-mondo/ on Sun, 18 Jun 2023 08:00:08 +0000.