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What do the statistics on Astra Zeneca and vaccines tell you? Listen …

A channel that is certainly not Pro Vax makes the statistician prof. Maurotti, who teaches this subject at the university. Here's what results:

“We must first define whether there are causal links between the adverse events and the vaccine. In the testing phase, in the case of Johnson & #Johnson but well on all other vaccines, we observed a proportion of 30 cases per 60,000 persons of adverse events. 30 out of 60,000. But not in the vaccinated population, but in the part of the sample to which the physiological solution was administered, therefore the control sample. What does it mean? That in the population, in everyday life, these adverse events happen ”.

So they are adverse events, that is bad thing, to be clear, I can happen to everyone. In the tst there were 30 adverse events (deaths) on 60,000 inoculated people. Now in Italy, vaccines have shown 30 adverse events out of 5 million. So we need to think, and act, coldly, not to be led by Merkel, the commander of Europe. Even on Radio Radio the statistician says the vaccine is safe. But everyone must be free to choose.

Have a good listening

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The article What do the statistics on Astra Zeneca and vaccines tell you? Listen… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cosa-si-dicono-le-statistiche-su-astra-zeneca-e-sui-vaccini-ascoltate/ on Wed, 17 Mar 2021 18:33:35 +0000.