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What it is and who can carry out asset investigations on a natural person

Property investigations represent an intricate investigative process aimed at revealing in detail the assets , movable and immovable, held by a person both in Italy and abroad.

In other words, they are a targeted economic-financial analysis , capable of providing a complete picture of the balance sheet of an individual or a company.

Carrying out such an analysis is important in certain contexts, such as legal and financial ones, where the accurate understanding of a person's assets can, in addition to helping in the evaluation of his actual solvency, directly influence the outcome of a proceeding legal.

In this article, we will try to give a general overview of the topic, to find out more Ponzi SpA explains how to conduct asset investigations on a natural person in an accurate and professional manner.

What is a property investigation

According to the definition given by art. 19 of Legislative Decree 159/2011 , a financial investigation is configured as an in-depth analysis aimed at evaluating the standard of living, financial resources and assets of an individual or a company.

This process aims to identify sources of income and provide a complete overview of the economic resources possessed by the person under examination.

This is particularly sensitive work due to the risk of violating further privacy laws . For this reason it is essential to rely on professionals who are able to avoid the illicit collection of information or the incorrect processing of personal data while guaranteeing complete and exhaustive results at the same time.

There are many reasons that can push someone to start this type of examination, such as in cases of unpaid debt for possible credit recovery.

In situations of corporate bankruptcy , all the procedures can be initiated to be able to trace movable or immovable assets that are capable of satisfying the creditors.

However, all this is not limited only to insolvent companies, but can also involve ex-spouses who are in default in payments of maintenance payments or other financial obligations.

Who is authorized to carry out property investigations

Asset investigations on a natural person require a professional and competent approach to guarantee compliance with privacy laws and the validity of the information collected; furthermore, some investigations are only permitted to entities that have a regular license pursuant to art. 134 TULPS for investigation activities and commercial information.

Given the sensitivity of the data involved, it is essential to rely on qualified professionals, such as those operating at specialized investigative agencies .

The experience and skills of these experts allow us to conduct in-depth research on an individual's living standards, financial resources and assets, through access to databases and consultation of archives , such as land registry and mortgage records.

The results are then documented in a dossier, clearly and completely reporting the findings that emerged during the process. It is essential that the information collected is truthful and detailed , in order to effectively support legal actions or financial decisions.

In conclusion

Asset investigations on a natural person are essential for understanding the financial situation of an individual or a company, but for their correct execution it is crucial to rely on qualified professionals .

This is because it is essential to ensure compliance with privacy laws and the validity of the information collected . Experts from specialized investigative agencies can conduct in-depth research and document the findings in a comprehensive dossier.

It is important to know that what is learned could be fundamental in supporting legal actions , making asset investigations a valuable tool in various legal and financial contexts .

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The article What is it and who can carry out asset investigations on a natural person comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cose-e-chi-puo-fare-indagini-patrimoniali-su-persona-fisica/ on Tue, 26 Mar 2024 23:01:37 +0000.