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Which countries consume the most meat in the world?

Which countries eat the most meat?

As Katharina Buchholz of Statista reports, according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reported by the website Our World on date, the United States and Australia are the first in the world ranking of meat consumers with more than 120 kg consumed per capita in 2020.

Countries exceeding 100 kg of meat consumed per person per year also include Mongolia, Argentina, Spain and Serbia. While richer countries tend to eat more meat, the status of meat in local cuisine also plays a large role in consumption patterns.

The least amount of meat in the world is consumed in Africa and South Asia, due to whether meat is unaffordable for many in regions, cultural factors, or a mix of both. India was actually the country with the fourth lowest meat consumption in the survey, behind Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Bangladesh. Also visible on the map are economic and supply struggles in conflict regions, with very little meat being consumed in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen. This also applies to North Korea.

Studies, such as this landmark release from Nature in 2018, have found that Western countries would need to reduce their meat consumption by 90% to limit climate change to acceptable levels. So for Greta you should go on a diet and say goodbye to steaks and roast chickens. I am convinced that you are all very ready to sacrifice

To ensure that nutritional needs continue to be met with reduced meat production, the survey recommends increasing consumption of beans and other legumes to create a climate-friendly protein intake, but these do not provide much-needed vitamin B12.

Otherwise you can eat insects. In the meantime, I'm going to put a nice steak on the grill.

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The article Which countries consume the most meat in the world? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quali-paesi-consumano-piu-carne-al-mondo/ on Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:00:38 +0000.