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Which European countries have cut gas consumption the most?

To cope with the reduction in supplies of Russian gas since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the countries of the European Union had set the goal of reducing their consumption of natural gas by 15% between August 2022 and March 2023 compared to the average of the last five years.

In December, Eurostat announced that the EU is on track to achieve this target, with gas consumption in the EU-27 declining by around 20% in the August-November period (compared to the 2017-2021 average).

As this map by Martin Armstrong of Statista illustrates, gas consumption has decreased in most Member States over the period.

In 18 countries, including Germany (-20%), consumption fell beyond the 15% target and, in some cases, significantly: Finland (-53%), Latvia (-43%) and Lithuania (-42%) recorded the greatest reductions in consumption.

Despite having reduced the use of this energy source, 6 Member States have not yet reached the 15% target.

In two countries, however, the consumption of natural gas has increased: in Malta (+7%) and Slovakia (almost +3%), indicating that the situation is not the same for everyone, but some have not suffered from it.

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The article Which European countries have cut gas consumption the most? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quali-sono-i-paesi-europei-che-hanno-tagliato-di-piu-il-consumo-di-gas/ on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:48:15 +0000.