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Economic Scenarios

Which is the social network that transfers your data to third parties the most, and therefore spies on you the most?

We've all experienced it: one second you're looking at a product review on YouTube and the next you see an ad for exactly that product in your Instagram or Facebook feed.

While it still feels like some sort of dark magic is at work there, we've pretty much gotten used to this type of thing by now, although there are instances where it still feels a little creepy, especially when you're certain you've been talking about a product. only in an email or personal chat.

The truth is, as Statista's Felix Richter notes, the apps and websites we are using collect huge amounts of data about us and, in many cases, this data is even passed on to third parties. This, of course, shouldn't happen without permission, which is why we usually have to agree to a long list of terms and conditions before using an app . (And honestly, when was the last time you read them before clicking Yes?)

Here is the ranking:

So Instagram, which belongs to Facebook, is the most ready social media to give your data on the web and to let you find a large amount of targeted advertising during your visits. However, even TikTok, dedicated to the very young, is in an excellent position.

Last year, Apple made it a little easier for consumers to understand what kind of data apps they collect and how that data is used. The company introduced privacy labels to apps in its App Store, categorizing personal data into 14 categories ranging from user's location to purchases, search and browsing history, and contact information.

On the contrary, Minds does not release any data.

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The article Which is the social network that transfers your data to third parties the most, and therefore spies on you the most? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quale-e-il-social-che-cede-di-piu-i-vostri-dati-a-terzi-e-che-quindi-vi-spia-di-piu/ on Mon, 29 Mar 2021 15:38:20 +0000.