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Economic Scenarios

Which peoples trust their governments and which don’t (imagine where Italy will be)

In many countries around the world, large portions of the population do not trust their government.

Lack of trust in government and politics is nothing new, but as Visual Capitalist's Nick Routley explains, in times of uncertainty this lack of trust can coagulate in movements that challenge the authority of the ruling parties and even threaten stability. of nations. In the abscissas there is reliability in public services, while in the ordinate there is the reliability considered by governments.

Since the start of the pandemic, global confidence in the government has improved by eight percentage points, but that's only a small improvement on an otherwise low score.

At the national level, feelings about the government can vary widely. India, Germany, the Netherlands and Malaysia had the highest levels of trust in the government. as regards the category of public services and public professions in which there is greater trust.

Many of the countries with the lowest levels of trust are in Latin America. This makes sense, as trust in politicians in this region is almost non-existent. For example, in Colombia, only 4% of the population consider politicians to be trustworthy. In Argentina, the percentage drops to just 3%. It's Italy? Italy now has one of the lowest confidence in its government in the EU, worse only in Belgium, Poland, Romania and Hungary. A nice result.

In general, citizens trust public services more than the governments in charge of managing and financing them. This makes sense as civil servants perform better than government politicians and ministers when it comes to accountability.

However, this is not true everywhere: we have seen that in South American countries even services have very low valuations, but Italy also has a low level. evaluation of publicly recognized services and professions. Professionalism was literally destroyed by the covid-19 affair.

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The article Which peoples trust their governments and which don't (imagine where Italy will be) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quali-popoli-si-fidano-dei-propri-governi-e-quali-no-immaginate-dove-sara-litalia/ on Sun, 29 May 2022 16:15:18 +0000.