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Why does the M5s want to participate in the Draghi government? To make that fail as well .. Word of a deputy

This government crisis and the birth of the Draghi government 1 would have some frankly hilarious comic aspects, if it did not happen in the midst of Italy's greatest economic crisis since the war.

To cheer us up, so to speak, we think the Five Star Movement, whose deputies, or senators, certainly do not lack creativity. For example, Alvise Maniero, a deputy, found the true reason why the M5s should enter the government majority: to make it fail. Here is his Facebook post:

Complaining about the very short voting times on the Rousseau platform, which makes it even less credible than it was, the good Alvise ends his speech by saying: "I begin to think, after these exploits, that after all, the best way to avoid the Draghi government is just to put the M5s inside and see if we mess it up at these levels too, neutralizing it. Like putting the crazy mayonnaise in the C4 dough "

So the extraordinary ability of the M5s is to be able to blow up any government in which it takes part, whether it is center-right or center-left. Instead of the "Policy of the two ovens" we have the "Policy of the exploded oven", which does not cook anything at all. Alvise, among other things, will vote NO to Draghi.

Moreover, the founder of the M5s more than Beppe Grillo seems to be Count Mascetti, the one who played the always late Ugo Tognazzi in Amici My. Just read the question that the writings on the Rousseau platform will have to answer (if they really exist …):

“Do you agree that the Movement supports a technical-political government: that it envisages a super-Ministry of Ecological Transition and that defends the main results achieved by the Movement, with the other political forces indicated by the appointed president Mario Draghi? "

Super Ministry or Super-Cazzola ? Among other things, the M5s held the Ministry of the Environment for two and a half years, without digging a spider dl hole. Reforming a ministry is a long-term activity, which starts from the Ministry of Public Administration, and a good year will pass before such a structure works. when it is operational we will have the new President of the republic (perhaps Draghi himself) who, at that point, will be able to dissolve the chambers and send everyone to vote. The ministry will be fresh and handed over to the next government, probably without pentastellati inside …

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The article Why does the M5s want to participate in the Draghi government? To make that fail as well .. The word of a deputy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/perche-il-m5s-vuole-pattecipare-al-governo-draghi-per-far-fallire-pure-quello-parola-di-deputato/ on Thu, 11 Feb 2021 07:15:53 +0000.