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With 200 complaints, the Court of Ministers is already pushing for filing. Unacceptable interference.

There have been over 200 complaints against Conte and his government for the management of the Covid-19 emergency, but in transmitting the complaints to the Court of Ministers, the Rome prosecutor would have added a note recommending the dismissal of all these complaints as unfounded. Evidently in Rome it is believed that in March 2020 nothing happened in Italy, that everything was perfect and smooth, and that therefore the delays in the closures and interventions already in February could not have saved lives.

As the lawyer Taormina points out, the prosecutor had no right to provide information on the acquittal, among other things in such a contemptuous way, because it is not his job to give these indications. however, we want to give the media impression that everything is a post, that everything is fine, that "We must not disturb the operator". Because for the judiciary it is the Palamara, the one that "Salvini is right, but we must try him", so we can also imagine that Palamara would have called and said "Cone is guilty, but we must acquit him". But Salvini must still go to trial, even if he was acting as a minister, in the collegiality of the government, to apply the government program approved by parliament, because he is Salvini. not because he is guilty, but because now the judiciary is the last tool of the Deep State, of the strong powers, to fight the people.

We leave you to the video of Taormina on the complaints.

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The article With 200 complaints the Court of Ministers is already pushing for archiving. Unacceptable interference. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/con-200-denunce-il-tribunale-dei-ministri-ha-gia-deciso-larchiviazione-interferenza-inammissibile/ on Fri, 14 Aug 2020 09:00:16 +0000.