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Zelensky’s Sense of Democracy

In the delirium of fake news passed off as real and of real news hidden to make room for the fake ones, we have finally gained a certainty-one about this war: Zelensky is truly a comedian. On this, zero doubts by now. We say this because only a skilled comedian would have been able to propose Ukraine's entry into the EU as a solution to Ukraine's problems. And since the leaders of the Union do not have a sense of ridicule, that is, they are not comical (even if, often, they seem so), ours has found the doors wide open. “Okay, friend” the Commissioners answered in chorus, “if you want more democracy and more freedom, come to us, there is room. Let's add a seat at the table ".

At this point, any average person informed about what the Union really is would have laughed. Zelensky no. And this irrefutably demonstrates the truth of what we have been told: Zelensky was, indeed is, a comedian. A born comedian, let's say. To hold together the words "EU" and "democracy" in the same sentence, it takes talent to sell. But looking for a way out of the invasion of a dictator by heading straight for the arms of a dictatorship, is a champion of show business. Some might think that Zelensky is not well informed, but we don't believe it. He knows very well what the EU is. And he wants to bring his fellow citizens. Underneath it, he probably thinks: “You go ahead, it makes me laugh”. Then someone could do a good deed and explain to the Ukrainians what the EU they want to join consists of.

To this end, it would be enough to re-read the declarations of not a few authoritative personalities of the recent past to understand into what "embers" Zelensky's compatriots risk falling starting from the "pan" in which they find themselves. Margaret Thatcher had understood this very well in advance: "The purpose of that kind of Europe with a central bank is not democracy, by taking away the powers of every single parliament and having a single currency, a monetary policy and interest rates that take away from us. any political power ". Jacques Attali (one of the famous “noble fathers”) said on January 24, 2011: «We have meticulously forgotten to include the article to get out of Maastricht. […] It wasn't very democratic, of course, but it was an excellent guarantee to make things more difficult for her, to force us to move forward ».

Helmuth Kohl, on 9 April 2013, commented Germany's entry into the euro in front of the notebooks of The Telegraph : «I knew that I could never win a referendum in Germany. We would have lost the referendum on the introduction of the euro. This is clear enough. I would have lost seven to three […]. In the case of the euro, I was like a dictator ». Jean Monnet (co-author of the Schuman declaration and first president of the ECSC) summed up the concept insuperably when he declared: "European nations should be guided towards a superstate without their populations noticing what is happening."

These are just some of the easily found "confessions" about the origin and the intimately anti-democratic nature of the unionist project. Therefore, pretending to save Ukrainian "democracy" (assuming it exists in reality) by dragging its people into the EU is like thinking of saving a turkey from the oven by sticking it on a spit. Or how to defend the freedom of a country by relying on neo-Nazi battalions. And only a consummate comedian can desire it, indeed demand it, without bursting out laughing. Which necessarily leads us to conclude that – if in Kiev there is a true, aware, comedian in power – in Italy there are galore who do not know they are.

Francesco Carraro


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The article Zelensky's sense for democracy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-senso-di-zelensky-per-la-democrazia/ on Sat, 23 Apr 2022 09:04:25 +0000.